#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (c) 2009 by James F. Carter # Licensed under Gnu Public License version 2.0 (or at the user's option, # any later version). See /usr/share/doc/licenses/GPL-2.0.txt . As # detailed in that file, there is NO WARRANTY for this program. # Creates a tun/tap mirror interface. All traffic received from it is sent # right back out again. Command line arguments: # TunnelMirror ipaddr [interface] # The IP address is required. It should be a suitable (set of) argument(s) # to ifconfig, for example The interface ID (e.g. tun0) is # optional. # The interface is a "tun" type, i.e. handles internal IP frames, not Ethernet # packets. # Suppose you have a Kerberos KDC on host X and you want users authenticating # on X to use X's own KDC. The KDC does not listen on loopback interfaces. # However, it doesn't realize that this is looping back and listens on it # automatically. In /etc/krb5.conf prepend to your realm's list of KDCs: # kdc = # or whatever IP address you put on the tunnel. The address chosen is not # critical so long as you don't shadow a real address or net, which is # why the 127.x.x.x range is useful. Let b = number of bits (here, 30), # and N = 2^(32-b) (here N = 4). Addresses that are a multiple of N, or # 1 less than a multiple (here, 88 and 91) are reserved as broadcast # addresses, so don't use them. That's why I picked 89 rather than 88. use strict; use Linux::TunTap; # Arrange command line arguments my (@args, $ipaddr); die "Usage: TunnelMirror ipaddr [interface], ipaddr is required\n" unless 1 <= @ARGV && @ARGV <= 2; $ipaddr = $ARGV[0]; push(@args, NAME => $ARGV[1]) if @ARGV == 2; # Allocate the tunnel device. my $tap = Linux::TunTap->new(@args) or die "Can't allocate tunnel device $ARGV[0]: $!\n"; my $ifc = $tap->{interface}; # warn "Tunnel device name: $ifc\n"; #unless @args; #DEBUG # Configure an IP address on the tunnel device. my $cmd = "ifconfig $ifc $ipaddr"; 0 == system $cmd or die "'$cmd' failed, giving up.\n"; # Do the mirror thing. my ($packet, $rc); while ($packet = $tap->get_raw()) { $rc = $tap->put_raw($packet); warn "Error writing packet: $!\n" unless defined($rc); } die "Error reading packet: $!\n";