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Sony Vaio
Setting Up the Machine

Jim Carter, 2014-04-09

How to get into BIOS setup: JoelP replies, assuming you have Windows 8, power it off, then press the Assist key, in the top row above the Delete key. The machine will power up and will show a screen with options for setup. booting. and various other possibilities. If you have Windows 7 you can press F2 for setup, or F8 for boot options.

For me booting Linux, the Assist key worked as described. The Assist screen also has the model, serial number and service tag.

Changed settings in BIOS setup:

And it boots off the installation CD; no hassles about an unsigned booter.

I have a paranoid firewall that includes MAC registration. I went through the registration procedure, and the server then delivered the SuSE distro content to the new machine.

I'm doing a network installation with wired Ethernet.

SuSE installation settings: found several discrepancies:

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