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This is a cross reference of ISO-8859-1 hex character codes, the corresponding glyph as rendered through a HTML entity code (such as ¢), and the entity code itself. A web browser should display all of the glyphs, except 0xa0 ``nonbreak space'' shows as a space, and 0xad ­ ``soft hyphen'' should not be shown in this context (it should be a potential line break position and should appear if the line is broken there).
0xa0 | nbsp (nonbreak space) | 0xa1 ¡ | iexcl (inverted !) | 0xa2 ¢ | cent | 0xa3 £ | pound (sterling) |
0xa4 ¤ | curren (currency) | 0xa5 ¥ | yen | 0xa6 ¦ | brvbar (broken bar) | 0xa7 § | sect (section) |
0xa8 ¨ | uml (umlaut) | 0xa9 © | copy (Copyright) | 0xaa ª | ordf (a-super) | 0xab « | laquo (<<) |
0xac ¬ | not (not sign) | 0xad | shy (soft hyphen) | 0xae ® | reg (Registered) | 0xaf ¯ | macr (overbar) |
0xb0 ° | deg (degree) | 0xb1 ± | plusmn (+-) | 0xb2 ² | sup2 (2-super) | 0xb3 ³ | sup3 (3-super) |
0xb4 ´ | acute (accent) | 0xb5 µ | micro (mu) | 0xb6 ¶ | para (paragraph) | 0xb7 · | middot (centered dot) |
0xb8 ¸ | cedil (cedilla) | 0xb9 ¹ | sup1 (1-super) | 0xba º | ordm (o-super) | 0xbb » | raquo (>>) |
0xbc ¼ | frac14 (1/4) | 0xbd ½ | frac12 (1/2) | 0xbe ¾ | frac34 (3/4) | 0xbf ¿ | iquest (inverted ?) |
0xc0 À | Agrave (A-grave) | 0xc1 Á | Aacute (A-acute) | 0xc2 Â | Acirc (A-circumflx) | 0xc3 Ã | Atilde (A-tilde) |
0xc4 Ä | Auml (A-umlaut) | 0xc5 Å | Aring (A-ring) | 0xc6 Æ | AElig (AE ligature) | 0xc7 Ç | Ccedil (C-cedilla) |
0xc8 È | Egrave (E-grave) | 0xc9 É | Eacute (E-acute) | 0xca Ê | Ecirc (E-circumflx) | 0xcb Ë | Euml (E-umlaut) |
0xcc Ì | Igrave (I-grave) | 0xcd Í | Iacute (I-acute) | 0xce Î | Icirc (I-circumflx) | 0xcf Ï | Iuml (I-umlaut) |
0xd0 Ð | ETH (capital eth) | 0xd1 Ñ | Ntilde (N-tilde) | 0xd2 Ò | Ograve (O-grave) | 0xd3 Ó | Oacute (O-acute) |
0xd4 Ô | Ocirc (O-circumflx) | 0xd5 Õ | Otilde (O-tilde) | 0xd6 Ö | Ouml (O-umlaut) | 0xd7 × | times (multiply) |
0xd8 Ø | Oslash (O-slash) | 0xd9 Ù | Ugrave (U-grave) | 0xda Ú | Uacute (U-acute) | 0xdb Û | Ucirc (U-circumflx) |
0xdc Ü | Uuml (U-umlaut) | 0xdd Ý | Yacute (Y-acute) | 0xde Þ | THORN (capital thorn) | 0xdf ß | szlig (es-zet/beta) |
0xe0 à | agrave (a-grave) | 0xe1 á | aacute (a-acute) | 0xe2 â | acirc (a-circumflx) | 0xe3 ã | atilde (a-tilde) |
0xe4 ä | auml (a-umlaut) | 0xe5 å | aring (a-ring) | 0xe6 æ | aelig (ae ligature) | 0xe7 ç | ccedil (c-cedilla) |
0xe8 è | egrave (e-grave) | 0xe9 é | eacute (e-acute) | 0xea ê | ecirc (e-circumflx) | 0xeb ë | euml (e-umlaut) |
0xec ì | igrave (i-grave) | 0xed í | iacute (i-acute) | 0xee î | icirc (i-circumflx) | 0xef ï | iuml (i-umlaut) |
0xf0 ð | eth | 0xf1 ñ | ntilde (n-tilde) | 0xf2 ò | ograve (o-grave) | 0xf3 ó | oacute (o-acute) |
0xf4 ô | ocirc (o-circumflx) | 0xf5 õ | otilde (o-tilde) | 0xf6 ö | ouml (o-umlaut) | 0xf7 ÷ | divide (division sign) |
0xf8 ø | oslash (o-slash) | 0xf9 ù | ugrave (u-grave) | 0xfa ú | uacute (u-acute) | 0xfb û | ucirc (u-circumflx) |
0xfc ü | uuml (u-umlaut) | 0xfd ý | yacute (y-acute) | 0xfe þ | thorn | 0xff ÿ | yuml (y-umlaut) |
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